GLO Services

Glo is the newest addition to our professional services that expand beyond just hair. We offer professional Teeth Whitening and Spray Tan services.

Teeth Whitening

LED Teeth Whitening Services are offered in 1 hour full treatment or 30 min half treatment/touch up treatment.

The process consists of a Hybrid Peroxide Gel being applied in 15 minute intervals while you sit under the LED cold blue light. The treatment could whiten your Teeth 4-6 shades. 

  • Short Session Whitening

    30 minutes of professional whitening touch up.

    Recommended after 3-6 months.

    Price – $100

  • Long Session Whitening

    60 minutes of professional whitening.

    Price – $200

  • What you should know

    Professional teeth whitening helps your smile look bright and stain-free but the reality is, they won’t stay pearly white forever – especially if you keep up old habits. Following your teeth whitening appointments, an aftercare routine is a good idea.

    Teeth have a layer called the acquired pellicle, designed to protect the more sensitive parts. Yet, this is where stains emerge. Teeth whitening and dental cleaning remove this barrier, albeit temporarily, and open the enamel’s pores in the process.

    It takes 24 hours for the layer to regenerate and as such, the longevity of whitening hinges on the 48 hours following the procedure. Keep the following tips in mind.

  • Foods and Habits to Avoid

    Particularly in the 48 hours after your teeth whitening procedure, avoid anything acid-based, including soda, pickles and citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Also steer clear of foods that easily create stains:

    • Coffee & Teas
    • Red wine
    • Fruit & Fruit juices
    • Beer
    • Soy sauce
    • Cured meats
    • Chocolate
    • Curry powder

    During this stage, your teeth are vulnerable to staining and decay. Consuming these items not only negates the effects of the whitening procedure but could also set your teeth up for long-term damage.

    Also think about other things you put in your mouth that could cause stains. Along with certain food choices, avoid using colored toothpastes, tobacco products and vaping.

  • This treatment is not for people who are and/or have:

    - Pregnant or Breast feeding 
    - Allergic to Peroxide or Aloe Vera
    - Extreme Sensitivity 
    - Large restorations (open fillings or root canals) 
    - Under 16 

    If you are taking:
    - Diuretics
    - Acne medication
    - Antidepressant medication
    - Antipsychotic medication
    - Hypoglycaemic medication 

  • Hygiene

    It’s very important to have good oral hygiene! We highly recommend bushing 2 times a day with an electric toothbrush and flossing once a day to prevent any gum disease and also help you maintain your bright SMILE! Depending on your diet habits a touch up session is recommended 4-6 months. 

    Using a Colgate sensitive toothpaste or Sensodyne prevents you from experiencing sensitivity. You may use a whitening toothpaste but not as your daily toothpaste.